Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to article 13 of the general regulation for the protection of personal data ue 2016/679

Pursuant to article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (“General Data Protection Regulation”, hereinafter “GDPR” or “Regulation”), we inform you that the personal data you provide when registering on the site will be subject, in compliance with the aforementioned law and in accordance with the confidentiality obligations, to the treatment referred to to art. 4 of EU Regulation 2016/679. We particularly wish to inform you of the following.

Identity and contact details of the holder

Ristorante Valcanover

Via di Mezzo Lago, 1, 38057, Valcanover TN


C.F. e P.IVA: 01497830222

Tel. 0461 548037

Contact details of the data protection officer

Ristorante Valcanover

Via di Mezzo Lago, 1, 38057, Valcanover TN


C.F. e P.IVA: 01497830222

Tel. 0461 548037

Purpose of the treatment

Your personal data will be processed:

a) with your consent (article 7, GDPR), for the following purpose:

• for sending newsletters concerning, for example, events, initiatives and for sending commercial proposals

b) without your consent (article 6, letters b, c, f, GDPR), for the following purposes:

• comply with the provisions of laws and regulations (national or community), or execute an order from judicial authorities or supervisory bodies to which the controllers are subject,

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in section a) above is optional, with the consequence that you may decide not to provide your consent, or to revoke it at any time, except in the case of our impossibility to carry out the service from she requested.

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in section b) above is mandatory. The lack of data and/or any express refusal to process it is the possible violation of requests from the competent authorities.

Categories of personal data processed

Within the scope of the purposes of the treatments highlighted in the previous paragraph 3, only personal data relating to, by way of example, name and surname, email address, etc. will be processed.

Categories of recipients of personal data

For the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, section a) above, the personal data you provide may be made accessible:

• to judicial or supervisory authorities, administrations, public entities and bodies (national and foreign);

Should you express your consent to the use of personal data for the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph 3, section a), the same may be made accessible to the subjects indicated in the previous points.

Storage and transfer of personal data abroad

The management and storage of personal data takes place on servers located within the European Union in the availability of the Data Controller and/or appointed third-party companies, duly appointed as data processors.

Your personal data will not be disclosed.

Period of retention of personal data

The personal data collected for the purposes indicated in the previous paragraph 3, paragraph b) will be processed and stored for the entire duration of any established relationship.

Starting from the date of termination of this relationship, for any reason or cause, the data will be kept for the duration of the prescription terms applicable pursuant to the law.

The personal data collected for the purposes indicated in the previous paragraph 3, paragraph a) will be processed and stored for the time necessary to fulfill these purposes and in any case until effective cancellation by the user.

Exerciseable rights

In compliance with the provisions of articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, you can exercise the rights indicated therein and in particular:

• Right of access – Obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and, if so, receive information relating, in particular, to: purpose of the processing, categories of personal data processed and retention period, recipients to whom these may be communicated (article 15, GDPR),

• Right of rectification – Obtain, without unjustified delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and the integration of incomplete personal data (article 16, GDPR),

• Right to cancellation – Obtain, without unjustified delay, the cancellation of personal data concerning you, in the cases provided for by the GDPR (article 17, GDPR),

• Right to limitation – Obtain from the Joint Controllers the limitation of processing, in the cases provided for by the GDPR (article 18, GDPR)

• Right to portability – Receive the personal data concerning you provided to the Joint Controllers in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, as well as obtain that the same are transmitted to another holder without impediments, in the cases provided for by the GDPR ( article 20, GDPR)

• Right to object – Object to the processing of personal data concerning you, unless there are legitimate reasons for the Joint Controllers to continue processing (article 21, GDPR)

• Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.

You can exercise these rights by simply sending a request to the Data Protection Officer indicated above.

Processing methods

The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in article 4, n. 2), GDPR – performed with or without the aid of IT systems – and precisely: collection, registration, organization, structuring, updating, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction and analysis, consultation, use, communication by transmission, comparison, interconnection , limitation, cancellation or destruction.

In any case, the logical and physical security of the data and, in general, the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data processed will be guaranteed, implementing all the necessary adequate technical and organizational measures.